Triconf 2013

:wq or ViM as an IDE


“Cat Lady” is gender neutral and other cat stuff

Presentation by Gar

a cat doing a somersault

Who am I?

I'm Gar

gar and cat


I write software at &yet

I make cat videos

I like to sing


My talks

:wq or ViM as an IDE

ViM is not an IDE

My talks

:wq or ViM as an IDE

“Cat Lady” is gender neutral and other cat stuff

These are totally related

ViM tip #1

Use % to move the cursor to a matching block

for (i=0;i<j;i++) {<--from here
// lots of code
}<-- to here

Cat fact

Some cats like ice cream

cat eating ice cream

Back to my talk

:wq or ViM as an IDE


“Cat Lady” is gender neutral and other cat stuff


What the heck,
why not?

I use ViM to edit everything

I'm very vocal about it

I like cats

I'm very vocal about it

This is a talk about me

What does this mean?

I have no idea

I have an idea

I know who I am

People know who I am

People are just great

This talk is not going to be about ViM or cats

Sorry (I'm not sorry)

Never apologize for who you are

Seriously, always apologize for what you do

Never apologize for who you are

  • Know who you are
  • Own it

Gar's handy guide to self confidence

about things you know and like, so you can talk to other people about them

in the interest of world peace

(it's not what you think)

Gar's handy guide to knowing when you're right about something

(and when you're not)

(and when it doesn't matter)

  • Know enough to be confident about it
  • Know enough to recognize if it even matters (it probably doesn't)
  • Know enough to be undecided about it
  • Know when you're wrong (I'm bad at this)


If it's important you can be wrong about it, but then you get to be right again

If it's not important you can't ever really be wrong about it but nobody really cares

Knowing who other people are

Basically just listen

(golden rule goes here)

Triconf 2013

:wq or ViM as an IDE


“Cat Lady” is gender neutral and other cat stuff

Presentation by Gar


Michael Garvin

"Don't tell anyone I told you this, but your cat videos are pretty cool."